Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm up for a "challenge?"

There's an email circulating at work about a "fitness challenge" organize by one of our partners in trade.  How the challenge works is, we have to pick one from the 4 fitness options:

Option 1: Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, minimum 3 times per week = total of 30 times over a 68 day period.

Option 2: Option 1 + 1 lifestyle change for duration of Challenge (i.e. no caffeine, increase water intake daily, no pop or no alcohol etc.)

Option 3: Push your limits with exercising a minimum of 30 minutes for all 68 days of the Challenge!!!
(Note: if you miss a day – on one occasion per week you are permitted to work out for 60 minutes to make up for the missed day. This is only permitted once per week as the goal is to have fitness in your day – everyday).

Option 4: Option 3 + 1 lifestyle change

This should be done for 68 days from April 4th to June 17th.

A lot of my co-workers has signed-in to the challenge.  It just started with 2 people interested, then 7, and just today, 11 have listed to participate.  Almost everybody has shown interest, but me.

Everytime I see these emails pop up, I ask myself, "Do I need a fitness challenge?". Then a negative voice inside me would whisper, "Oh it's just a fad. I know they're just joining to be in the circle".  Because I know when you say "fitness", this has to do with overweight issues.  And I don't know if I need  this challenge. Besides, I'm already practicing a healthy lifestyle. However, it seems like I'm the only one who's not participating in this challenge.

So as I'm wondering why this doesn't stir my interest, my co-worker, who's assigned to spearhead this, approach me. 
"Do you wanna join the fitness challenge?"

I replied, "Do I need a fitness challenge?", while looking uncertain and  intently at her.  And she stared back at me puzzled.

Then I brushed off  my  thoughts and said, "...I was just asking myself..."  Yeah, it's actually a hypothetical question. And I added, "What do I need to do?"

"You can walk half an hour everyday", she replied

"But I always do that!" I burted again...

"Then there you go!", a voice surprisingly barged in. It's my co-worker across my workstation.

"Ok...sure...if it doesn't change any of my habits", I jested.  And they laughed along. 

After that, I realized I sounded really indifferent and apathetic.  So I contemplated more and ask myself  why I have this persisting disinterest to this challenge.

And this is what I came up with:

First and foremost, I'm not overweight, but actually underweight.  And if there's anything that I'd have to do is increase my 90lbs weight, which I've always been trying for the longest time.  But it seems through all these years, I've never been successful.  No matter what I feed myself, I've never left this number 90.  I couldn't forget what my mom told me during her visit,  "Can you please gain weight!"   So until now, I'm still in the process of finding a way.  But someone has told me long ago - it's my metabolism. 

Second, I'm a very active person. I always find something to do. When I'm at home, I'm either vacumming the floor; decluttering my already neat space; or hanging out in my kitchen - cooking. And when I'm out, I'll be everywhere -just walking around. The only time I am still, is when I'm sleeping or sick.  So about  walking as exercise, it's not really new to me.  I've been walking all my life.  And I don't even consider it as exercise or fitness regimen. Walking is part of my lifestyle.  I even walk and run in heels. So where's the challenge to option 1?

The last reason is, the options they've laid is not as challenging to me that I've been  wanting to be a part of.  Maybe if they organize something more vigorous and stringent, like  "ala-amazing race" challenge, where my adrenaline rush would be tested to the limits. Then, I will be the first one to sign-in. That's the challenge I want to experience. Actually, it's my wish to be a contender for the Amazing Race.

But now that I've agreed to participate, am I really up for a challenge?  Or should I just take it like a walk in the park so I won't be called corny by my co-workers. And instead, just challenge myself with more exciting things...Well, I know I'll be starting again with my yoga-pilates this season.  And there's the ice skating that I'll be doing with my friend this summer...the biking I'm planning...ballroom dancing I want to What else?...